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90 elements, 0 figures, US$50, 1998
LEGO > MINDSTORMS > Expansion Set

People who wrote Notes about this set  (16 people)

Jan-Albert Van Ree: "Nice parts selection and a motor!"
Jeff Small: "I wanna get my hands on the idea book."
Andrew McGeachie: "very poor value for your money"
Stephen Moraco: "couple more fun robotics things to do"
Gustavo A. Brinck: "007"
Kerry Raymond: "An expensive way to buy mostly standard Technics parts. Disappointing."
Scott Conley: "Couldn't resist at $10 each (for the motor alone!)"
Bill Castello: "Not a thrilling set, but the ideas in the book are good"
Rich Jenkins: "Best of the expansion sets. Just books with mechanical designs would be more useful. Extra motor in this kit comes in handy."
Pete Grotsky: "No challange here. Not recommended"
Carl Jagt: "Bit pricey for an extra motor and sensor."
Mark Chittenden: "Overpriced for a motor and a handful of extra parts."
Steve Barber: "Not worth $50."
Ben Jackson: "Kind of useless. If you need another motor, get the builder set."
Nathan Wells: "Better than 9732, but not that great. Got it cheap, tho."
Tom Phillips: "Tom & Troy. About the only good thing is its extra 9v motor."
People who Want to Buy this set  (8 people)

You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."

Travis Highley (1 copy)   Lance Hopenwasser (1 copy)   Widar Karpinski (1 copy)   Jason Rinehart (1 copy)   (1 copy)   Roger Kilsand (1 copy)   Jordan Bradford (1 copy)   Mark Noble (1 copy)  
People who Want to Sell this set  (2 people)

You may contact people if they're listed as "want to sell."

Marina Artamonova (1 copy)   Richard Vollmer (1 copy)  
People who Own this set  (126 people)

The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!

Suzanne Rich Eaton (1 copy)   Joe Comeau (1 copy)   Kevin M. Loch (1 copy)   Mario Ferrari (1 copy)   Richard Schamus (1 copy)   Jennifer L. Finch (2 copies), (1 copy)   Dave Baum (1 copy)   Scott Devine (1 copy)   Chris Tracey (1 copy)   Inactive (3 copies)   John Connolly (1 copy)   Rich Thompson (1 copy)   John MacDonald (1 copy)   Eric Lanteigne (1 copy)   Jan-Albert Van Ree (1 copy)   Andy Kucyn (1 copy)   Wayne Hussey (1 copy)   Ed Koch (1 copy)   Dean Husby (1 copy)   Ben Gatrelle (1 copy)   Craig Agricola (1 copy)   Constantine Hannaher (1 copy)   Kris Berge (1 copy)   Jason Spears (1 copy)   Christian Gemuenden (1 copy)   Marina Artamonova (1 copy)   Peter Vogel (1 copy)   Mark Millere (2 copies)   Eelco Kooiker (1 copy)   Andrew McGeachie (1 copy)   Stephen Moraco (1 copy)   Dave Novick (2 copies)   Gustavo A. Brinck (1 copy)   Wayne McCaul (1 copy)   Jason Reljac (1 copy)   Todd S. Thuma (1 copy)   Steve Watts (1 copy)   Margaret Keys (1 copy)   Kev Holmes (1 copy)   Darren Foreman (1 copy)   John Hansen (1 copy)   John D. Spivy (1 copy)   Scott Conley (5 copies)   Bill Castello (1 copy)   Steve Bliss (1 copy)   Gerd Mill (1 copy)   Eric Joseph Keef (1 copy)   Sam Conroy (1 copy)   Rich Jenkins (1 copy)   Herbert Steini Steinhauser (1 copy)   Richard Vollmer (1 copy)   Brent Flannery (1 copy)   Ben Medinets (1 copy)   Rolf Weekhout (1 copy)   Chris Apple (1 copy)   Clive Wadham (1 copy)   Josh Pastey (1 copy)   Dwight Moody (1 copy)   Pete Grotsky (1 copy)   Steven Nickle (1 copy)   Clark Bakker (1 copy)   John Patterson (2 copies)   Steven House (1 copy)   Steve Ringe (1 copy)   Dave A (1 copy)   Carl Jagt (1 copy)   Scott Sylvester (2 copies)   Mark LaRoy Zimmerman (1 copy)   Sherwin M. Pelayo (1 copy)   Denise Jadud (1 copy)   Mark Chittenden (1 copy)   Bertil Boers (1 copy)   Svend Eisenhardt (1 copy)   Dirk Hoff (1 copy)   Joe O'Donnell (2 copies)   Maico Arts (1 copy)   Steve Barber (1 copy)   Gil Faran (1 copy)   Erik B (1 copy)   James Taji (1 copy)   Troy Holecek (2 copies)   Joe Woolley (2 copies)   Bob Hayes (1 copy)   Ben Jackson (1 copy)   Brion Sohn (1 copy)   Greg Muri (1 copy)   Steve L. McDonough (2 copies)   Paul Mandell (1 copy)   John H. Riley (1 copy)   Doug Eaton (1 copy)   David Geoffrey Koudys (2 copies)   Chris MacDougald (2 copies)   Nathan Wells (1 copy)   Douglas M. Povirk (1 copy)   Steve Biedlingmaier (1 copy)   Larry Heier (1 copy)   Jennifer Clark (3 copies)   Jeff Van Winden (1 copy)   Philip Ellis (1 copy)   Steve Shults (1 copy)   kevin Chalk (1 copy)   Ty Drayton (1 copy)   Sven Reger (1 copy)   Mark Williams (1 copy)   (1 copy)   Tom Phillips (2 copies)   Joe Weesner (2 copies)   John S (1 copy)   Tom Rafert (1 copy)   Jeremy Funk (1 copy)   Ed Lee (1 copy)   Fred van Griethuizen (1 copy)   Steve Maggioncalda (1 copy)   Greg Wing (1 copy)   Adrie Stolk (1 copy)   Corbin Cowan (2 copies)   Greg Koskinen-Dodgson (2 copies)   Drew Shane Bradley (1 copy)   Thomas Mueller (2 copies)   Paul De La Haye (1 copy)   Asger Lindeblad (1 copy)   Ron Bonne (1 copy)   Jeff Barrett (1 copy)   Mike Tighe (5 copies)   Kevin Gramlich (1 copy)  
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