Sky Ranger 271 elements, 0 figures, US$29.75, 1993 LEGO > TECHNIC > {} |
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People who wrote Notes about this set (11 people)
discord.gg/esquelesquad discord.gg/esquelesquad discord.gg/esquelesquad, discord.gg/esquelesquad: "good for my 8 yrs son who learn to build technics."
Scott Sanburn: "I like the plane, fun to build."
Josh Baakko: "the flaps move, great set!"
Jason Gates: "Proved to challenging when I was 13, paid someone to build it...lol Like the pistons."
Ronan Webb: "Daughter's comments: Good set - Tail's a bit flimsy - enjoyed building it."
Steve Hickman: "My mom bought this for me when she was on a trip, I really like the flap function"
Richie Dulin: "A nice little plane. Lots of functions: prop/pistons, flaps & suspension."
Pete Stoffel: "This set would be better if the horizontal stabilizer on the tail moved, but I don't think it could be done for $30 and at this scale. Not a disapointing set though. Very Cessna like."
Andrew Verner: "Awesome, end of story"
Jan Kaskinen: "Technic is technic"
Tim Schmid: "22 Missing Pieces"
People who Want to Buy this set (3 people)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."
John MacDonald (1 copy)
James Taji (1 copy)
Roxane Grenier (1 copy)
People who Want to Sell this set (2 people)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to sell."
Rene van Dijk (1 copy)
Cesare Lanza (1 copy)
People who Own this set (112 people)
The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!
Paul Gyugyi (3 copies)
Kevin M. Loch (1 copy)
Mario Ferrari (1 copy)
Marco Berti (2 copies)
Adrian Drake (1 copy)
Michael Cotsford (1 copy)
discord.gg/esquelesquad discord.gg/esquelesquad discord.gg/esquelesquad, discord.gg/esquelesquad (1 copy)
Michael Edwards (1 copy)
Scott Sanburn (1 copy)
Bram Lambrecht (1 copy)
Eric Lanteigne (1 copy)
Wayne Hussey (1 copy)
Dave Jost (1 copy)
Wayne P. Sardullo (1 copy)
Christian Gemuenden (1 copy)
Duncan Titmarsh (1 copy)
Mark D. McKean (1 copy)
Steve Watts (1 copy)
Margaret Keys (1 copy)
Brian A. Darrow (1 copy)
Jan Katanek (1 copy)
Frances Schroeter (1 copy)
Josh Baakko (1 copy)
Ronan Webb (2 copies)
Shawn Denowh (1 copy)
Herbert Steini Steinhauser (1 copy)
Rolf Weekhout (2 copies)
Steve Hickman (1 copy)
Cesare Lanza (2 copies)
Bob Gomez (1 copy)
Vincent Demmink (2 copies)
Clark Bakker (1 copy)
Tom A. Heidemann (1 copy)
John Patterson (1 copy)
Ewout Zandvliet (1 copy)
Steve Ringe (1 copy)
Troy C. Tadych (1 copy)
Tina Stephens (1 copy)
Jan Kiekebosch (2 copies)
Bertil Boers (1 copy)
Svend Eisenhardt (1 copy)
Arne Nielsen (1 copy)
James Rivenbark (1 copy)
Ash Nickle (1 copy)
Peter Tvebro (1 copy)
Benjamin White (1 copy)
Maico Arts (1 copy)
Bill Lye (1 copy)
Steve Barber (1 copy)
Gil Faran (3 copies)
Erik B (1 copy)
Troy Holecek (1 copy)
Cameo Cramer (1 copy)
Pete Stoffel (1 copy)
Manfred Schroeder (1 copy)
Steve L. McDonough (1 copy)
Jérémie Temple (1 copy)
Cyndi Bradham (1 copy)
Dave Church (1 copy)
Carsten Straaberg (1 copy)
Steve Ringering (1 copy)
Remco Slotboom (1 copy)
Paul S. D'Urbano (1 copy)
Peter Hinkelmanns (1 copy)
Stéphane Simard (1 copy)
Tony Acker (1 copy)
Andrew Verner (1 copy)
Steve Biedlingmaier (1 copy)
Shawn Henriksen (1 copy)
Roger Kilsand (1 copy)
Philip Ellis (1 copy)
Pat Bunn (1 copy)
Samuele Intra (1 copy)
kevin Chalk (1 copy)
(1 copy)
Dustin Jones (1 copy)
Gerd Hilgert (1 copy)
Henrik Thrane (1 copy)
Kalle Andersson (1 copy)
Darren Cunningham (1 copy)
Eric Strand (1 copy)
Jan Kaskinen (1 copy)
Thomas Björklund (1 copy)
Dino Baldi (1 copy)
Chris D. Deraleau (1 copy)
Tommy Eriksson (1 copy)
Paolo Magri (1 copy)
Matt Hocker (1 copy)
Harald Kvande (1 copy)
Karen Beiderbeck (1 copy)
Jeroen Kuster (1 copy)
Dan Berladyn (1 copy)
Eric Albrecht (1 copy)
Olivier Laurent (1 copy)
Suzy Zimmer (1 copy)
Asger Lindeblad (1 copy)
Jak Ninyo (1 copy)
Dave Tomkins (1 copy)
Carol Campagna (1 copy)
Ron Bonne (1 copy)
Jeremy McGillivary (1 copy)
Mike Tighe (1 copy)
Pierre-André Breton (1 copy)
Steffi Schmidt (1 copy)
Tim Schmid (1 copy)
Juha Vaaksio (1 copy)
M S (2 copies)
Pekka S. (1 copy)
Steven (1 copy)
Raymond Vlieghe (2 copies)
Jesper Madsen (1 copy)
(1 copy)