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3 elements, 0 figures, US$2, 2003
LEGO > BIONICLE > Mata Nui > Accessories

People who wrote Notes about this set  (3 people)

David Gregory: "The only reason I rated this 10 and not 0 is because the container is cool."
Mark Chittenden: "The container looks cool"
BJ Nemeth: "I'll admit that I bought it just for the cool can. The 3 rubbery pieces inside (plus one small sticker) were pretty useless to me, even by Bionicle standards. (I'm a System set kind of guy.)"
People who Want to Sell this set  (1 person)

You may contact people if they're listed as "want to sell."

Nita Sanders (1 copy)  
People who Own this set  (38 people)

The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!

Suzanne Rich Eaton (3 copies)   Adrian Drake (4 copies)   Erik L. Knopp (5 copies)   Dave Eaton (1 copy)   Klaas (1 copy)   Ben Whytcross (1 copy)   Christian Gemuenden (29 copies)   David Gregory (10 copies)   Martin Scragg (1 copy)   John D. Spivy (1 copy)   TWS Garrison (1 copy)   Rolf Weekhout (1 copy)   John Patterson (5 copies)   Pawlo Figol (1 copy)   Mark Chittenden (1 copy)   Arne Nielsen (1 copy)   Maico Arts (1 copy)   Erik B (3 copies)   Stijn Colemont (5 copies)   Manfred Schroeder (7 copies)   Tim Emrick (3 copies)   Dirk van Zuilen (16 copies)   Stefan Garcia (1 copy)   Bruce Lowell (3 copies)   Scott Quirk (2 copies)   Philip Ellis (1 copy)   Mike Crowley (1 copy)   Pat Bunn (12 copies)   Anna Törnberg Zeinetz (1 copy)   Werner Aulbach (8 copies)   Jim Laycock (1 copy)   Alain Godelaine (1 copy)   Kalle Andersson (1 copy)   Martin Boulay (1 copy)   Olof Dahlberg (24 copies)   Matthew Payne (1 copy)   Philip Moyer (4 copies)   Aran Kuntze (2 copies)  
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