Slammer G-Force 149 elements, 0 figures, US$15, 2002 LEGO > Racers |
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People who wrote Notes about this set (3 people)
Scott Sanburn: "A few good parts don't make up the fact this is a poor set. Even at 75% off."
Martin Bruun: "A good parts pack, many rounded beams and 3L pins without friction."
Aaron Dengler: "Very slick design. Very fast. Bought for $10 at K-B."
People who Want to Buy this set (1 person)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."
Ralph W. Caton (1 copy)
People who Want to Sell this set (2 people)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to sell."
Nita Sanders (1 copy)
Cesare Lanza (1 copy)
People who Own this set (34 people)
The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!
Jennifer L. Finch (1 copy)
Kieran Brady (1 copy)
Scott Sanburn (2 copies)
Christian Gemuenden (1 copy)
Eric Joseph Keef (1 copy)
Rolf Weekhout (1 copy)
Jasse Kaiser (1 copy)
Cesare Lanza (2 copies)
Brian Pefferly (1 copy)
Vincent Demmink (1 copy)
John Patterson (1 copy)
Martin Bruun (1 copy)
Peter Tvebro (1 copy)
Maico Arts (1 copy)
Ken Koleda (2 copies)
Philippe Hurbain (1 copy)
Lars Hector Lange (1 copy)
Remco Slotboom (1 copy)
David Geoffrey Koudys (1 copy)
Dirk van Zuilen (2 copies)
Larry Heier (1 copy)
Stefan Sanders (1 copy)
Aaron Dengler (2 copies)
William Howard (1 copy)
Philip Ellis (1 copy)
Carsten B. Thomsen (3 copies)
kevin Chalk (1 copy)
Simon V. Swegles (1 copy)
Keary Phillips (1 copy)
Thane Thayer (2 copies)
Gary Bentley (1 copy)
Karen Beiderbeck (4 copies)
Jan Van Assche (1 copy)
Marco Muizelaar (1 copy)