Ferrari F1 Racer 1:10 Scale 719 elements, 0 figures, US$70, 2004 LEGO > Racers > {Ferrari} |
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People who wrote Notes about this set (16 people)
Ralph Döring: "Normal price in Germany 79,- but available at Toys'r'Us for 34,- (if you buy three) so go and get it"
Calum Tsang: "Looks great, but no suspension and less pieces than the Silver Champion."
Martin Bruun: "Great looking and built more accurately to scale than the Silver Champion/McLaren BMW. With no suspension a bit of a disappointment technically. Steering and a V10 and that's it!"
Dean Maher: "Was cheep so got it. Looks great! Good steering. Would have looked ugly with shocks jutting out."
Andy Blake: "a very appealing set. it just needed a little more to it, and stickers always lose points"
Gereon "Jerry" Stein: "Does not match supercar sets technology-wise but a cool set all the same"
Lars Gjerløw Jørgensen: "Very accurate model - perfect display model. Lacks suspension - and why stickers? - I want Ferrari-bricks :)"
Carsten B. Thomsen: "The coolest LEGO F1 ever. This actually LOOKS like a Formula 1. Fair price and great selection of Technic parts."
: "Just wish the copit was more detailed"
O: "A great looking car, but"
Olof Dahlberg: "LL Billund sale 2005-06-05"
Juan Rodriguez: "Great way to spend 90 minutes."
Hakan Kutluay: "not like 8458 or HP formula1 car. Simple to build. Tries are not good. But it is red and ferrari."
Vaughan James: "Suspension really would have made this set that much better."
Jens E. Johansson: "ok"
Jeff Beaty: "cool engine housing, lots of good technic parts."
People who Want to Buy this set (5 people)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."
James Taji (1 copy)
Ralph W. Caton (1 copy)
DeShields (1 copy)
Mark Noble (1 copy)
Lukas Nabergall (1 copy)
People who Want to Sell this set (5 people)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to sell."
Ralph Döring (1 copy)
Rene van Dijk (2 copies)
Gereon "Jerry" Stein (1 copy)
Matteo Bollini (1 copy)
Marc Antony (1 copy)
People who Own this set (120 people)
The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!
Tim Rueger (1 copy)
Mark de Kock (1 copy)
Jacob Sparre Andersen (1 copy)
Ralph Döring (1 copy)
Dave Eaton (1 copy)
David H. Bail (3 copies)
Kyle J. (1 copy)
Klaas (1 copy)
Ben Whytcross (1 copy)
Anne Jorunn Midtkil (1 copy)
Calum Tsang (1 copy)
Greg Howell (1 copy)
Ross Crawford (1 copy)
Christian Gemuenden (1 copy)
Chuck Rawlins (1 copy)
Andrew McGeachie (1 copy)
Abner Finley (1 copy)
Ronald Vallenduuk (1 copy)
Ed Smelstoys (1 copy)
Brian McLean (1 copy)
Ronan Webb (1 copy)
Robert J. Powell (1 copy)
Wibo Franssens (1 copy)
Laurent Moll (1 copy)
John Patterson (1 copy)
Simon Bennett (1 copy)
Joe O'Donnell (1 copy)
Martin Bruun (1 copy)
Peter Tvebro (1 copy)
Dean Maher (1 copy)
Maico Arts (1 copy)
Andy Blake (1 copy)
Erik B (1 copy)
Lars-Olov Hallgren (1 copy)
Ronald Troost (1 copy)
David Foley (1 copy)
Avi Parvin (2 copies)
Jan Guerquin (1 copy)
Philippe Hurbain (2 copies)
Troy Holecek (1 copy)
Manfred Schroeder (1 copy)
Cyndi Bradham (1 copy)
Kecia Hansen (1 copy)
Dave Church (1 copy)
Carsten Straaberg (1 copy)
Gereon "Jerry" Stein (2 copies)
(1 copy)
Remco Slotboom (1 copy)
Jean-Louis Bergamo (1 copy)
David Geoffrey Koudys (1 copy)
Tony Acker (1 copy)
Tim (1 copy)
Walt Chrisman (1 copy)
Stefan Sanders (1 copy)
Jennifer Clark (1 copy)
Hendrik SvL Bergmann (1 copy)
Øyvind Steinnes (2 copies)
Jan Wisniewski (1 copy)
Aaron Dengler (1 copy)
Dan Rubin (2 copies)
Roger Kilsand (1 copy)
Lars Gjerløw Jørgensen (1 copy)
William Howard (1 copy)
Tom Bozzo (1 copy)
Gaetano Notaro (2 copies)
Philip Ellis (1 copy)
Rolf I. Johansen (1 copy)
Carsten B. Thomsen (6 copies)
(1 copy)
Andréas Lars Rootzén (1 copy)
Per Langkilde (2 copies)
Gerd Hilgert (1 copy)
Simon V. Swegles (1 copy)
Sven Reger (1 copy)
Alain Godelaine (1 copy)
Morten Gravgaard (1 copy)
Kalle Andersson (1 copy)
Scott Reid (1 copy)
Mark Johnson (1 copy)
Darren Cunningham (1 copy)
Gary Bentley (1 copy)
Ronald Borchert (1 copy)
Wouter Sonneveldt (1 copy)
Olof Dahlberg (1 copy)
Tim Forde (1 copy)
Juan Rodriguez (1 copy)
Gareth Norris (1 copy)
Hakan Kutluay (1 copy)
Chris Dobbie (1 copy)
John O'Keefe (1 copy)
Benoit Montpetit (1 copy)
Chuck Densmore (1 copy)
Filippo Tabusso (1 copy)
Arthur Stromberg (3 copies)
James Trautner (1 copy)
Vaughan James (1 copy)
Jeff Dicton (1 copy)
Corbin Cowan (1 copy)
Jens E. Johansson (1 copy)
Steve Shaw (1 copy)
Karen Beiderbeck (1 copy)
Zach Clapsadle (1 copy)
Thomas Mueller (1 copy)
Eric Albrecht (1 copy)
Antonio Manfredonio (1 copy)
Jeff Beaty (1 copy)
Asger Lindeblad (1 copy)
Dave Tomkins (1 copy)
Jeff Turk (1 copy)
Mike Piper (1 copy)
Mike Tighe (1 copy)
Alberto Caiola (1 copy)
Olav Helt Brubakk (1 copy)
Christophe Mitillo (2 copies)
Max Tropeano (1 copy)
Gareth Goodall (1 copy)
Steffi Schmidt (1 copy)
Juha Vaaksio (1 copy)
Raymond Vlieghe (1 copy)
John Walt (1 copy)