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Gorm Deluxe
15 elements, 1 figure, US$15, 2002
LEGO > Galidor

People who wrote Notes about this set  (5 people)

Adrian Drake: "As Lego, they're crummy, though the ball and socket connection limbs have some (albeit limited) use. As action figures, they're not that bad."
Dave Johann: "I've seen worse."
Fred Herrmann: "Trash. 100% disgusting."
Pat Bunn: "love the missle arm"
Kevin Gramlich: "I got this at Legoland for free in early 2003. What a rip-off."
People who Own this set  (15 people)

The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!

Adrian Drake (4 copies)   Ben Whytcross (1 copy)   Dave Johann (2 copies)   Abner Finley (1 copy)   Margaret Keys (1 copy)   TWS Garrison (2 copies)   John Patterson (2 copies)   Denise Jadud (1 copy)   Arne Nielsen (1 copy)   Dirk van Zuilen (1 copy)   Mike Crowley (1 copy)   Pat Bunn (1 copy)   Werner Aulbach (2 copies)   Kalle Andersson (1 copy)   Kevin Gramlich (1 copy)  
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