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Typhoon Turbo Sub
197 elements, 2 figures, US$25, 2010
LEGO > SYSTEM > Aquazone > Atlantis

People who wrote Notes about this set  (4 people)

Scott Sanburn: "Definitely has a Star Wars Pod Racer feel to it."
Robert Gurskey: "Because of the way the engines reverse, the sub feels like a handgun."
Philip Moyer: "Impressive looking, but spindly, submarine. But has a clever ratcheting mechanism to flip the engines."
Tristan Membrez: "Purchased 10/11/11 for $20.60"
People who Own this set  (28 people)

The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!

Erik L. Knopp (1 copy)   Mark de Kock (1 copy)   Dave Eaton (1 copy)   Scott Sanburn (1 copy)   John Patterson (1 copy)   Carl Billen (1 copy)   Ildefonso Zanette (1 copy)   Arne Nielsen (1 copy)   Ken Godawa (2 copies)   Erik B (2 copies)   Jonathan Dallas (1 copy)   Dirk van Zuilen (1 copy)   Robert Gurskey (1 copy)   Dan Rubin (4 copies)   Scott Quirk (1 copy)   Philip Ellis (1 copy)   Christian Allred (1 copy)   Philip Moyer (1 copy)   Tristan Membrez (1 copy)   Dino Baldi (1 copy)   JP Ruijs (1 copy)   Steven Walker (1 copy)   Ville Vanhatalo (1 copy)   Carol Campagna (1 copy)   Dave Sterling (1 copy)   Mike Tighe (1 copy)   Dennis Schaaf (1 copy)   Jack Langworthy (1 copy)  
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