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Tractor with Log Loader
525 elements, 0 figures, US$60, 2010

People who wrote Notes about this set  (3 people)

Mark de Kock: "Nice return of pneumatics, but the log is way too small"
Vincent Benner: "Good set and cheap enough"
Frank Rodolf: "nice set for a very decent price. Would have liked more than one log though."
People who Want to Buy this set  (3 people)

You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."

Dave Church (1 copy)   Karen Beiderbeck (2 copies)   Alexander Johansen (1 copy)  
People who Own this set  (31 people)

The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!

Mark de Kock (1 copy)   S. Daehnel (1 copy)   Ildefonso Zanette (1 copy)   Peter Tvebro (1 copy)   Maico Arts (1 copy)   Vincent Benner (1 copy)   Doug Eaton (1 copy)   Øyvind Steinnes (1 copy)   Jan Wisniewski (1 copy)   Elwin Venema (1 copy)   Philip Ellis (1 copy)   Carsten B. Thomsen (1 copy)   Gerd Hilgert (1 copy)   Arthur Stromberg (1 copy)   Karen Beiderbeck (1 copy)   Thomas Mueller (12 copies)   Eric Albrecht (1 copy)   John Finnekåsa (1 copy)   Paul De La Haye (1 copy)   Asger Lindeblad (1 copy)   Carol Campagna (1 copy)   Mike Tighe (1 copy)   Erick Church (1 copy)   Olav Helt Brubakk (1 copy)   Pierre-André Breton (1 copy)   Cees Steenbergen (1 copy)   Steffi Schmidt (1 copy)   Juha Vaaksio (1 copy)   Raymond Vlieghe (1 copy)   Andy Morgan (1 copy)   Frank Rodolf (1 copy)  
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