The Batmobile Ultimate Collectors' Edition 1045 elements, 0 figures, US$70, 2006 LEGO > SYSTEM > Batman |
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People who wrote Notes about this set (11 people)
Gail Meagher: "walked through post -Tropical Storm Noel to buy five at $24.55 Cnd each"
Scott Sanburn: "Real nice, I like this model. Minor changes can make this into the Tim Burton original batmobile."
Reinhard "Ben" Beneke: "bought it on sale and was surprised how huge and complex this model was. Way better then expected!"
Ben Medinets: "got this for half price at shop@home; box had major rip in it!! :("
Andreas Engel: "This is a great set. It reminds me of my own Batmobile I created several years ago, but this one misses the steering. Still a cool model, I never thought LEGO would ever release such kind of car."
Richie Dulin: "Great pieces, great model. This design is so wizard, it doesn't /need/ steering!"
Cyndi Bradham: "Thanks Joe!!"
Nathan Todd: "Spare pieces in multitudes..."
Philip Moyer: "Ultra-black parts pack, detailed construction and features. Only thing keeping it from 100 is the color confusion in instructions. ^_^;"
Richard Kloosterboer: "got it for half price because the box was damaged and there may be pieces missing. That'll be easily sorted once its build. Pity it doesn't steer. '80s steering parts will come in handy ;)"
Jeff Beaty: "cool looking, particularly turbines, but doesn't steer! as long as bad guy never turns a corner Batman will catch 'em."
People who Want to Buy this set (4 people)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."
Jeff Van Winden (1 copy)
Daniel Valkenburg (1 copy)
Tristan Membrez (1 copy)
Jared Boehm (1 copy)
People who Own this set (93 people)
The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!
Adrian Drake (1 copy)
Gail Meagher (6 copies)
Scott Sanburn (1 copy)
Aaron West (1 copy)
Jan-Albert Van Ree (1 copy)
Ben Whytcross (1 copy)
Reinhard "Ben" Beneke (1 copy)
Chuck Rawlins (1 copy)
Abner Finley (1 copy)
Todd S. Thuma (1 copy)
Margaret Keys (2 copies)
Ed Smelstoys (1 copy)
Brian McLean (1 copy)
Ben Medinets (1 copy)
Brian Pefferly (1 copy)
John Patterson (2 copies)
Simon Bennett (1 copy)
Steve Ringe (1 copy)
Andreas Engel (1 copy)
Jen Nogle (2 copies)
Adam Murtha (1 copy)
Holger Matthes (2 copies)
Arne Nielsen (1 copy)
Erik B (1 copy)
Mike van der Voort (1 copy)
Bob Hayes (1 copy)
Cyndi Bradham (2 copies)
Ralph W. Caton (1 copy)
Carsten Straaberg (1 copy)
Doug Eaton (2 copies)
Chris Quade (1 copy)
Kristine Peartree (1 copy)
Dirk van Zuilen (1 copy)
Stefan Garcia (2 copies)
Hendrik SvL Bergmann (1 copy)
Nick K (1 copy)
Dan Rubin (1 copy)
Dirk Plug (1 copy)
Scott Quirk (1 copy)
Tom Bozzo (1 copy)
Gaetano Notaro (2 copies)
Philip Ellis (1 copy)
John M. Colucci, Sr. (1 copy)
Anna Törnberg Zeinetz (1 copy)
Fabien Bontemps (1 copy)
Ryan Wood (1 copy)
Werner Aulbach (1 copy)
Dennis Bosman (1 copy)
Per Langkilde (1 copy)
Martin Long (1 copy)
Gerd Hilgert (1 copy)
Scott Reid (1 copy)
Daniel Brown (1 copy)
Gary Bentley (1 copy)
Stefan Gustavson (1 copy)
Bernard Ouellet (1 copy)
Dan Prouty (1 copy)
Olof Dahlberg (1 copy)
Philip Moyer (1 copy)
Joe Evangelista (1 copy)
Steve Witt (1 copy)
J.P. Manalo (1 copy)
Corbin Cowan (3 copies)
Chris Raleigh (1 copy)
Steve Shaw (1 copy)
Jonas Znidarsic (1 copy)
Karen Beiderbeck (1 copy)
Zach Clapsadle (1 copy)
Renier Bormans (1 copy)
Richard Kloosterboer (1 copy)
Devon O'Connor (1 copy)
Steven Walker (1 copy)
Fred Stehle (1 copy)
Mikey Stein (1 copy)
Jeff Beaty (1 copy)
Jak Ninyo (1 copy)
Tomi Kovacs (4 copies)
Alex Amigorena (1 copy)
Carol Campagna (1 copy)
Mike Piper (2 copies)
Rikard Ljøkjell (2 copies)
Debbie Hudson (1 copy)
Mike Tighe (1 copy)
Brian Beck (1 copy)
Patrick Bosman (1 copy)
Olav Helt Brubakk (2 copies)
Pierre-André Breton (1 copy)
Christophe Mitillo (1 copy)
Henrik Christian Grove (1 copy)
Steffi Schmidt (1 copy)
Matt Tynes (2 copies)
Marco Muizelaar (1 copy)
John Walt (1 copy)