People who wrote Notes about this set (1 person)
Philip Moyer: "A big truck and an alien, a piggy bank, and a dinosaur. And a pizza shooter. What's not to like?"
People who Own this set (25 people)
The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!
Gail Meagher (1 copy)
Tony Chaouch (1 copy)
Ben Whytcross (1 copy)
Ronald Vallenduuk (1 copy)
Ildefonso Zanette (1 copy)
Jonathan Dallas (1 copy)
Troy Holecek (1 copy)
Dirk van Zuilen (1 copy)
Tony Acker (1 copy)
Shawn Henriksen (1 copy)
Dan Rubin (4 copies)
Roger Kilsand (1 copy)
Philip Ellis (1 copy)
Anna Törnberg Zeinetz (1 copy)
Philip Moyer (1 copy)
John Langrish (1 copy)
Vaughan James (1 copy)
JP Ruijs (1 copy)
Steven Walker (1 copy)
Ville Vanhatalo (3 copies)
Greg Askew (1 copy)
Jared Boehm (1 copy)
Pierre-André Breton (1 copy)
BJ Blick (1 copy)
Henrik Christian Grove (1 copy)