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Landscape Loader
34 elements, 1 figure, US$3.25, 1992
LEGO > SYSTEM > Town > {}

People who wrote Notes about this set  (9 people)

Scott Sanburn: "Great little set, it reminds me of Bobcats!"
Janice Tomer: "selling at"
Matt Furman: "Not a bad little set."
Joe Meno: "Cute set!"
Don Lee: "Great little set."
Joakim Sebastian Welander: "Didn't get it as a kid but always liked it. A friend of mine used to have it and I really liked to play with it. Now I finally have bought it (2023)."
Nathan Wells: "Cool model for a good price."
Jan Kaskinen: "Would need a little bigger for all lego"
Peter Smith: "Cute little mini-digger. My mother always loved this little set :)."
People who Want to Buy this set  (3 people)

You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."

Betsy Ercolini (1 copy)   Tina Corum (1 copy)   Reed Cowan (2 copies)  
People who Want to Sell this set  (3 people)

You may contact people if they're listed as "want to sell."

Franz Koeck (1 copy)   Janice Tomer (1 copy)   Matteo Bollini (1 copy)  
People who Own this set  (146 people)

The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!

Suzanne Rich Eaton (2 copies)   Selçuk Göre (1 copy)   Andreas Stabno (1 copy)   Steve Martin (1 copy)   Mark de Kock (1 copy)   Ralph Döring (1 copy)   Jeremy Dailey (2 copies)   David H. Bail (1 copy)   Casper (1 copy)   Scott Sanburn (1 copy)   Jeremy Burton (1 copy)   Chris Giddens (1 copy)   Ben Whytcross (1 copy)   Robin Werner (1 copy)   Roy R. Gal (1 copy)   Kris Berge (1 copy)   Christian Gemuenden (1 copy)   Justin Bursch (1 copy)   Ryan J. Farrington (1 copy)   Abner Finley (1 copy)   Shane Stephens (1 copy)   Ali Vahidsafa (1 copy)   Rick Hallman (1 copy)   David Gregory (1 copy)   CJ Dean (4 copies)   Chris Wallendorff (1 copy)   Brian A. Darrow (1 copy)   Brian VanDragt (1 copy)   Kev Holmes (1 copy)   Josh Baakko (1 copy)   Kai A. Brodersen (1 copy)   Yvonne Doyle (1 copy)   Jason Proksch (1 copy)   Bill Brumbach (1 copy)   Nick Hine (2 copies)   Joseph Olson (1 copy)   Paul Cook (1 copy)   Herbert Steini Steinhauser (1 copy)   Mark Harrison (2 copies)   Brian Pefferly (1 copy)   John Patterson (1 copy)   Ronald Plasmeijer (1 copy)   Mel C (1 copy)   Tina Stephens (1 copy)   Justin Reiss (1 copy)   Jan Kiekebosch (1 copy)   Jen Nogle (1 copy)   Jacob Arnold (1 copy)   John P. Henderson, Esq. (2 copies)   Christian Kruetzfeldt (1 copy)   Lutz Uhlmann (3 copies)   Nate Jacobs (1 copy)   Holger Matthes (1 copy)   Arne Nielsen (6 copies)   Hakan Tandogan (1 copy)   Matt Furman (1 copy)   Joe O'Donnell (1 copy)   Pascal Brugier (2 copies)   Ken Godawa (1 copy)   Edwin Komdeur (2 copies)   Rebecca Bostock (1 copy)   (1 copy)   Johan Portmark (1 copy)   Jay Sim (1 copy)   Gil Faran (4 copies)   Ashley Wooten (1 copy)   Jason J. Railton (1 copy)   Ronald Troost (1 copy)   Matthew Greene (1 copy)   Jonathan M. Taylor (1 copy)   Joe Meno (1 copy)   Michael Arrighi (1 copy)   Jason A. Snyder (1 copy)   George Shaw (1 copy)   Peter Curby (1 copy)   Tom Manderson (1 copy)   Don Lee (1 copy)   Joakim Sebastian Welander (1 copy)   Sandy Alexander Kostow (1 copy)   DeShields (1 copy)   Jason Rinehart (1 copy)   Santiago Garcia Dabrowski (1 copy)   Patrick S. O'Donnell (1 copy)   Chris Quade (1 copy)   Nathan Wells (12 copies)   Katie Warwick (1 copy)   Tony Acker (2 copies)   Daniel Warren (1 copy)   Eric J. Olson (1 copy)   Cyndy Fischer (2 copies)   Walt Chrisman (1 copy)   Hendrik SvL Bergmann (1 copy)   Shawn Henriksen (1 copy)   Tim Fettig (4 copies)   Elwin Venema (1 copy)   William Howard (1 copy)   Philip Ellis (1 copy)   TilleMuovinen (1 copy)   (2 copies)   Ricardo Cordon Bou (2 copies)   Gerd Hilgert (1 copy)   Bernd Broich (1 copy)   Alain Godelaine (1 copy)   Matteo Bollini (2 copies)   Morten Gravgaard (1 copy)   Kalle Andersson (1 copy)   Anders Franzén (1 copy)   Anders Gaasedal (1 copy)   Stefan Gustavson (2 copies)   Reed Cowan (1 copy)   Jan Kaskinen (1 copy)   Dan Prouty (1 copy)   Jamie Crothers (1 copy)   John Langrish (1 copy)   Joe Evangelista (1 copy)   Darren Allan Sambell (1 copy)   Martin Schoenfelder (1 copy)   Dave Micklon (1 copy)   Robert C. Barth (1 copy)   John Kustak (1 copy)   JP Ruijs (1 copy)   Chun Yu (1 copy)   Peter Smith (1 copy)   Mark John Haddock (1 copy)   Jason A. Hoffman (1 copy)   (1 copy)   Paul De La Haye (1 copy)   Chris Link (1 copy)   Nat Grier (1 copy)   Ville Vanhatalo (1 copy)   Suzy Zimmer (1 copy)   Lara Crokis (1 copy)   Jake Runnals (1 copy)   Drew Armstead (1 copy)   Le Roy Vargas (1 copy)   George Legoman (2 copies)   Patrick Bosman (1 copy)   Olav Helt Brubakk (1 copy)   Dave Van Gestel (1 copy)   Kevin Kasper (1 copy)   Gareth Goodall (1 copy)   Roderick Griner (1 copy)   Chris Jones (1 copy)   David Banbery (1 copy)   Tim Allen (1 copy)   (1 copy)  
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