People who wrote Notes about this set (9 people)
Christian Gemuenden: "Nobody having this ugly set fro sale? I am nearly Town Jr. complete so for this last I would pay more than List Price for a used dirty copy!"
Aaron Coghill: "good parts"
Ben Medinets: "too juniorized (and ugly) but is an interesting concept"
Mel C: "I never saw this in the shops, I had to order it in!"
Richie Dulin: "Some useful parts hidden away among the juniorised bits."
Stéphane Simard: "Laughable."
Matt Canales: "This actually looks like the only decent town junior set... I said DECENT..."
Matt Marwood: "lame set some good parts"
Dave Micklon: "Fire sets from 1997-2000 are just not my bag."
People who Want to Buy this set (5 people)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."
Christian Gemuenden (1 copy)
David Gregory (1 copy)
Max Leisten (1 copy)
Matt Canales (1 copy)
Shawn Henriksen (1 copy)
People who Want to Sell this set (1 person)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to sell."
Matteo Bollini (1 copy)
People who Own this set (27 people)
The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!
Scott Devine (2 copies)
Kevin D. Salm (2 copies)
Aaron West (1 copy)
Ben Whytcross (1 copy)
Abner Finley (1 copy)
Martin Scragg (2 copies)
Niels Horn (1 copy)
Aaron Coghill (4 copies)
Yvonne Doyle (1 copy)
Ben Medinets (2 copies)
Mark Harrison (1 copy)
John Patterson (1 copy)
Mel C (1 copy)
Jay Sim (1 copy)
Michael Arrighi (1 copy)
Sandy Alexander Kostow (1 copy)
Lisa Gannon (1 copy)
Ricardo Cordon Bou (2 copies)
sean p murphy (1 copy)
Anders Gaasedal (1 copy)
Matt Marwood (1 copy)
Tom Rafert (1 copy)
Andrew J. Summersgill, Mr (1 copy)
Dave Micklon (1 copy)
(1 copy)
Paul De La Haye (1 copy)
Ville Vanhatalo (2 copies)