People who wrote Notes about this set (10 people)
Kevin D. Salm: "Never saw this set advertised in USA catalogs. But after years of wanting one, I finally have one of the white hats!"
Dan Allen: "white hat..."
Ali Vahidsafa: "My two copies have different box sizes!"
Janice Tomer: "selling at; only set w/ white peaked hat"
Mark Chittenden: "Unlike the princess from set 383, she modestly covers her hair."
Aaron J. Muhl: "I wish I had bought this for the white maiden cap...."
Zonko Fopwinkel: "I wish I still had all of the pieces..."
Nathan Todd: "There is more here than just the white hat... but that's still why you buy it ; )"
Dino Baldi: "from Matteo, istruction on file"
Paolo Magri: "beautiful little set"
People who Want to Buy this set (13 people)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."
Aaron West (1 copy)
Chris Maddison (1 copy)
Justin Bursch (1 copy)
Dan Allen (1 copy)
Betsy Ercolini (1 copy)
Brian Muzas (1 copy)
Tina Stephens (1 copy)
Peter Edsall (1 copy)
Michael Gokey (1 copy)
John M. Steele (1 copy)
Jason Rinehart (1 copy)
Kufi Okay (1 copy)
Roxane Grenier (1 copy)
People who Want to Sell this set (1 person)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to sell."
Janice Tomer (1 copy)
People who Own this set (82 people)
The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!
Dan Moquin (1 copy)
Dave Eaton (1 copy)
Jeff Stembel (1 copy)
Stephen F. Roberts (1 copy)
Casper van Nimwegen (1 copy)
Christina Hitchcock (2 copies)
Zlatko Unger (1 copy)
Klaas (1 copy)
Michael Huffman (1 copy)
Fritz Grondy (1 copy)
Binky Nebab (1 copy)
Ben Whytcross (1 copy)
Ezio Maino (3 copies)
Christian Gemuenden (1 copy)
Chuck Rawlins (1 copy)
Ali Vahidsafa (2 copies)
Tim David (1 copy)
Brian A. Darrow (2 copies)
Brian VanDragt (1 copy)
Clement Wong (1 copy)
Niels Horn (1 copy)
Yvonne Doyle (1 copy)
Johannes Jojo Koehler (7 copies)
Shawn Denowh (1 copy)
Paul Cook (1 copy)
Cesare Lanza (1 copy)
Vincent Demmink (1 copy)
James Stacey (3 copies)
John Patterson (1 copy)
Mel C (1 copy)
Samuel Christiansen (1 copy)
Bjorn de Heer (1 copy)
Holger Matthes (1 copy)
Mark Chittenden (1 copy)
Elin Övernäs (1 copy)
James Brink (1 copy)
Arne Nielsen (2 copies)
James Markham (1 copy)
Zonko Fopwinkel (1 copy)
Ming Cherng (1 copy)
Peter Curby (2 copies)
Sandy Alexander Kostow (1 copy)
Cyndi Bradham (1 copy)
Lars Hector Lange (1 copy)
Paul W. Johnson (1 copy)
Yann Laurent (1 copy)
Yaron Dori (1 copy)
Jeff Van Winden (1 copy)
Philip Ellis (1 copy)
Josefin Österholm (1 copy)
Fabien Bontemps (2 copies)
Andréas Lars Rootzén (1 copy)
Per Langkilde (1 copy)
Martin Long (1 copy)
Alain Godelaine (2 copies)
Kalle Andersson (1 copy)
(1 copy)
Arjan de Vries (1 copy)
Anders Gaasedal (1 copy)
Stefan Gustavson (1 copy)
Bernard Ouellet (1 copy)
Ronald Borchert (1 copy)
Frank Jørgensen (1 copy)
Sean O'Brien (1 copy)
Dino Baldi (1 copy)
Markus Bonnevier (1 copy)
Fred van Griethuizen (1 copy)
Dave Micklon (1 copy)
Paolo Magri (1 copy)
Robert Hampton (1 copy)
René Grimm (1 copy)
Harald Kvande (1 copy)
Shaun Griffith (1 copy)
JP Ruijs (2 copies)
Jeroen Kuster (1 copy)
Michael (1 copy)
Jon H (1 copy)
Arjen ter Horst (1 copy)
Chris Wunz (2 copies)
Jeroen van Dorst (3 copies)
Patrick Bosman (1 copy)
Dennis Biesmans (1 copy)