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Quality Quidditch™ Supplies
120 elements, 1 figure, US$10, 2003
LEGO > SYSTEM > Harry Potter > {Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets}

People who wrote Notes about this set  (13 people)

Erik Olson: "The set that gave us Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, at last. (Copper Roofs!)"
Scott Sanburn: "Good for parts if on discount."
Aaron West: "Nice building accessory pack, lots of deco elements for other creations."
Calum Tsang: "Window is printed, not a decal."
Bruce Schlickbernd: "Just one shop facade wall, but this one has potential with more bricks and sets."
Arne Nielsen: "I like the sand green roof corners and the printed glass window"
Richie Dulin: "A great set for parts. Nice colours, nice accessories."
Vincent Benner: "Not the best one..."
: "MISB"
Nathan Wells: "WOW, great set! Parts are fantastic; printed window, sandgreen slopes, brown plates, burnt orange parts and the golden 1x1 round! The torso is nice too..."
Andrew P. Saada: "Really good mix of parts for a good price. Sand green corner slopes & white lightsaber blades are sweet. And I like the window--good for castle or town. Great facial expression & more of earth orange!"
Peter Smith: "Bought a couple on sale and actually turned them into a really cute little shop for my Lego city."
Kevin Kasper: "good as a parts pack"
People who Want to Buy this set  (3 people)

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Betsy Ercolini (1 copy)   Michael Gokey (1 copy)   Barbara Ann Armstrong (1 copy)  
People who Want to Sell this set  (2 people)

You may contact people if they're listed as "want to sell."

Nita Sanders (1 copy)   Morganne Goichot (1 copy)  
People who Own this set  (150 people)

The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!

James Brown (1 copy)   Joe Comeau (1 copy)   Erik Olson (1 copy)   Bob VanderClay (1 copy)   Jennifer L. Finch (1 copy), (1 copy)   Ralph Döring (1 copy)   Gail Meagher (4 copies)   Dave Eaton (2 copies)   Bryan Wong (4 copies)   Casper (1 copy)   Bob Runnicles (1 copy)   Scott Sanburn (2 copies)   Aaron West (46 copies)   Jan-Albert Van Ree (2 copies)   Dean Husby (9 copies)   Binky Nebab (1 copy)   Tony Chaouch (2 copies)   Ben Whytcross (1 copy)   Anne Jorunn Midtkil (2 copies)   Calum Tsang (4 copies)   Reinhard "Ben" Beneke (3 copies)   Greg Howell (1 copy)   Christian Gemuenden (1 copy)   Greg Kramer (3 copies)   Dave Low (1 copy)   Damien Nesbit (1 copy)   David Gregory (4 copies)   Margaret Keys (3 copies)   Yvonne Doyle (1 copy)   Brian McLean (1 copy)   Johannes ”Jojo“ Koehler (2 copies)   Scott Edward Thomas (2 copies)   Sam Conroy (1 copy)   TWS Garrison (5 copies)   Ben Medinets (1 copy)   Mark Harrison (1 copy)   Rolf Weekhout (1 copy)   Steve Hickman (2 copies)   Andrew (1 copy)   John Patterson (1 copy)   Steve Ringe (4 copies)   Justin Reiss (1 copy)   Jen Nogle (3 copies)   Denise Jadud (1 copy)   Nate O'Shea (1 copy)   Jon Furman (2 copies)   Holger Matthes (1 copy)   Mark Chittenden (1 copy)   Arne Nielsen (4 copies)   Rob Brown (2 copies)   James Markham (1 copy)   Vincent Benner (1 copy)   Mike van der Voort (1 copy)   Jonathan Dallas (2 copies)   Stijn Colemont (6 copies)   Martijn Zwaal (1 copy)   Manfred Schroeder (2 copies)   Gael Frazier (5 copies)   Saskia van Doesburg (2 copies)   Yanick Fournier (1 copy)   Cyndi Bradham (1 copy)   Tim Strutt (1 copy)   Kecia Hansen (1 copy)   Twan Theeuwen (12 copies)   Fiona Dickinson (1 copy)   Jason Rinehart (1 copy)   Paul W. Johnson (1 copy)   Justin Ponsor (1 copy)   John H. Riley (1 copy)   Carsten Straaberg (1 copy)   Doug Eaton (2 copies)   (1 copy)   Remco Slotboom (1 copy)   Chris MacDougald (1 copy)   Nathan Wells (1 copy)   Kristine Peartree (1 copy)   Dirk van Zuilen (2 copies)   Dave Pearson (4 copies)   Brie Zobel (1 copy)   Walt Chrisman (1 copy)   Paulo Renato A. C. Matos (1 copy)   Robert Gurskey (1 copy)   Christian Lindblad Rasmussen (1 copy)   Kevin W. Richey (3 copies)   Nick K (2 copies)   Joe Schierschmidt (1 copy)   Dan Rubin (6 copies)   Jeff Van Winden (1 copy)   Bruce Lowell (1 copy)   George Barnes (2 copies)   Roger Kilsand (1 copy)   Elwin Venema (1 copy)   Ralph Menzel (1 copy)   William Howard (1 copy)   Gaetano Notaro (2 copies)   Philip Ellis (1 copy)   Jason Allemann (1 copy)   Josefin Österholm (1 copy)   Paul van Buuren (2 copies)   Andrew P. Saada (1 copy)   Fabien Bontemps (1 copy)   Gerd Hilgert (1 copy)   Jeff (1 copy)   Bernd Broich (1 copy)   Alain Godelaine (1 copy)   Matteo Bollini (1 copy)   Graeme Gregory (1 copy)   Ricky Poche (1 copy)   Kalle Andersson (1 copy)   Mary Catherine Reljac (1 copy)   Bernard Ouellet (1 copy)   Eric Strand (1 copy)   Brian Pilati (1 copy)   Thekla Borchert (5 copies)   Jamie Crothers (1 copy)   Matthew Payne (1 copy)   Philip Moyer (1 copy)   Scott Wiltsie (1 copy)   Paul Donis (1 copy)   Tom Rafert (2 copies)   Gareth Norris (1 copy)   Mark Allon Porter (1 copy)   Frank Jørgensen (1 copy)   Gianluca Garofalo (1 copy)   Mike Tremel (1 copy)   Fred van Griethuizen (14 copies)   Steve Witt (1 copy)   Piers Saunders (1 copy)   Anita Eenink (2 copies)   Barbara Werth (1 copy)   JP Ruijs (4 copies)   Peter Smith (2 copies)   Neva M Catron (1 copy)   Chris Schneider (2 copies)   Rafa Sánchez (1 copy)   Ville Vanhatalo (1 copy)   Antonia Sánchez Fernández (1 copy)   Suzy Zimmer (1 copy)   Lara Crokis (3 copies)   Mike Piper (1 copy)   Richard Schaaf (1 copy)   Dave Sterling (1 copy)   Vasoulla Savvidou (1 copy)   Ken Jones (1 copy)   Patrick Bosman (3 copies)   Greg Pederson (1 copy)   Kevin Kasper (4 copies)   Morganne Goichot (2 copies)   Kevin Gramlich (1 copy)  
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