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Rebel Snowspeeder™
214 elements, 3 figures, US$20, 2004
LEGO > SYSTEM > Star Wars > Classic

People who wrote Notes about this set  (30 people)

Adrian Drake: "Good, but I like the original better (even if this one's more accurate)"
Stephen F. Roberts: "Not as nice as the original, but not bad either"
Bob Runnicles: "Single cockpit places both figures back to back as it should; the guns now correctly protrude beyond the front of the wings, there is a 'harpoon' & cable, colours are more accurate - I love this set!"
Scott Sanburn: "Not too bad at all. I think it is closer than the original design."
Roy R. Gal: "New 2004 Trilogy packaging"
Duane Hess: "Like the colors, but the original set offers more nostalgia"
Fred Rueck: "I got all excited thinking I just found two 7130 leftovers at K-B Toys. I'm such a doof... :)"
Mark Chittenden: "Complete redesign from set 7130 - cockpit seems too small, and no opening hatch for rear gunner."
Mike McKee: "Sturdy. Swooshable. Better than the first!"
Vincent Benner: "Good canon design. Wings doens't move ;-("
Andy Blake: "swooshable, but this set didn't blow me away"
Erik B: "One Trilogy Edition box, one blue box version."
Ralph W. Caton: "$20"
Steve Mitchell: "I prefer the original"
Nathan Wells: "Awesome!! I love it! Great pieces and great figs! More accurate too! New colors distract a bit, though."
Ryan Witt: "5 bucks at WalMart. hard to put figures in the cockpit, but lots of cool pieces"
Kevin W. Richey: "Great model. Includes two pilots! Love the wing design."
Mathew Lawn: "looks to be more accurate than the previous Snowspeeder"
Barb Natividad: "Don't own AT-AT yet. Have to recreate the scene using my CAT. :)"
Erin Eppling: "1 built; 4 MIB"
P F: "Sturdy and sleek, great for swooshing runs through legs of furniture. Set is well designed, good use of elements. Nice to see more trooper for Hoth base. Still somehow prefer the original."
Jan Kaskinen: "Just for collecting. Easy to make."
Josue Collazo: "Preferred the original version. And what's with the white?"
Olof Dahlberg: "Good loking, cool build."
Steve Witt: "much more solid than the original and far cooler. I love these little guys."
Dave Micklon: "Not quite as good as 2000 version."
Cory Granholm: "Solid build. A nice variation of 7130. Good swooshing fun!"
Derek Litton: "Cool Snowspeeder..."
Lukas Nabergall: "great"
Jeff Block: "Like the harpoon gun, else is nothing special"
People who Want to Buy this set  (9 people)

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David Harshman (1 copy)   Betsy Ercolini (1 copy)   Joe Woolley (2 copies)   Dirk van Zuilen (1 copy)   Joe Schierschmidt (1 copy)   Daniel Valkenburg (2 copies)   Mark Allon Porter (1 copy)   Jared Boehm (1 copy)   Brian Beck (1 copy)  
People who Want to Sell this set  (3 people)

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Nita Sanders (1 copy)   Richard Vollmer (1 copy)   Bryan Scott Pardue (1 copy)  
People who Own this set  (235 people)

The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!

Selçuk Göre (1 copy)   Joe Comeau (1 copy)   Adrian Drake (1 copy)   Bob VanderClay (1 copy)   Mark de Kock (1 copy)   Richard Schamus (1 copy)   Pete Callaway (1 copy)   David Lovelace (1 copy)   Ralph Döring (1 copy)   Gail Meagher (1 copy)   Dave Eaton (4 copies)   Stephen F. Roberts (1 copy)   Paul Baulch (1 copy)   Casper (1 copy)   Kyle J. (2 copies)   Bob Runnicles (3 copies)   Scott Sanburn (3 copies)   Aaron West (12 copies)   Chris Giddens (2 copies)   Binky Nebab (1 copy)   Tony Chaouch (1 copy)   Ben Whytcross (1 copy)   Roy R. Gal (1 copy)   Ross Crawford (1 copy)   Christian Gemuenden (1 copy)   Damien Nesbit (2 copies)   Abner Finley (1 copy)   Jason Reljac (1 copy)   Rick Hallman (1 copy)   Leigh Holcombe (1 copy)   Margaret Keys (1 copy)   Brian McLean (3 copies)   Scott Edward Thomas (2 copies)   Paul Cook (1 copy)   Duane Hess (1 copy)   Richard Bryan (1 copy)   Jason Ellis (1 copy)   Richard Vollmer (1 copy)   TWS Garrison (2 copies)   Rob Johansen (1 copy)   Steve Hickman (2 copies)   Mike Botelho (2 copies)   Kyle Beatty (1 copy)   John Patterson (1 copy)   Simon Bennett (1 copy)   Matt Slayen (1 copy)   Pawlo Figol (1 copy)   Michael Kohan (1 copy)   Fred Rueck (2 copies)   Justin Reiss (1 copy)   Bruce Schlickbernd (1 copy)   Jen Nogle (2 copies)   Stephan Sander (1 copy)   Adam Murtha (1 copy)   William Webb (1 copy)   Matt Hamand (1 copy)   Kyle Eduard Henneberque (2 copies)   Nate O'Shea (1 copy)   Jon Furman (1 copy)   Simon Maxwell (1 copy)   Nate Jacobs (1 copy)   Holger Matthes (1 copy)   Mark Chittenden (1 copy)   James Brink (1 copy)   Arne Nielsen (1 copy)   Rob Brown (1 copy)   Mike McKee (1 copy)   Vincent Benner (1 copy)   Andy Blake (1 copy)   Erik B (2 copies)   Jacob Davies (1 copy)   David Foley (1 copy)   Jan Guerquin (1 copy)   Alan Fritsche (1 copy)   Steve Weiser (1 copy)   Troy Holecek (1 copy)   Joe Woolley (1 copy)   Robert Boyce (1 copy)   Jason A. 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