People who wrote Notes about this set (3 people)
Mark de Kock: "Too bad the minifigs are not from the first movie"
Mark Chittenden: "Wish it had the crew from the first movie."
Jeff Block: "black tone is sleek, black sails look great"
People who Own this set (13 people)
The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!
Mark de Kock (1 copy)
Rick Vendl II (1 copy)
Margaret Keys (1 copy)
Johannes Jojo Koehler (1 copy)
Mark Chittenden (1 copy)
Joe O'Donnell (1 copy)
Jan Noordijk, Sr. (1 copy)
Josefin Österholm (1 copy)
Matteo Bollini (1 copy)
Kalle Andersson (1 copy)
Steven Walker (1 copy)
Pierre-André Breton (1 copy)
BJ Blick (1 copy)