People who wrote Notes about this set (5 people)
Ed "Boxer" Jones: "650 elements - 3 minifigs"
Erik Olson: "My most favorite bucket, ever. White fences, blue plates, green roofs!"
Johannes Jojo Koehler: "Never seen in Germany :-(("
Bill Brumbach: "My Wal-Mart scanned them at $10 a bucket. Seconds please!"
Mark Papenfuss: "Love the freestyle minifig torsos!"
People who Want to Buy this set (1 person)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."
Daniel Staudt (1 copy)
People who Own this set (28 people)
The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!
Kevin M. Loch (1 copy)
Ed "Boxer" Jones (4 copies)
Erik Olson (24 copies)
John Neal (34 copies)
Richard Schamus (1 copy)
Nita Sanders (1 copy)
John Gramley (3 copies)
Tim Buchheim (1 copy)
Kevin D. Salm (2 copies)
Andrew Reynolds (1 copy)
Greg Kramer (2 copies)
Dave Novick (4 copies)
Roxanne Jeanson (1 copy)
Rick Hallman (1 copy)
David Gregory (1 copy)
Betsy Ercolini (1 copy)
Bill Brumbach (6 copies)
John Patterson (1 copy)
Denise Jadud (3 copies)
Lutz Uhlmann (3 copies)
Ken Godawa (10 copies)
Mark Papenfuss (1 copy)
Dan Prouty (1 copy)
Tom Rafert (6 copies)
Joe Evangelista (1 copy)
Brian Kendig (1 copy)
Patrick Flanagan (1 copy)
Kevin Kasper (2 copies)