People who wrote Notes about this set (6 people)
Roy R. Gal: "no box"
John Patterson: "need one box, will buy or trade for it"
Richie Dulin: "Those were the days! It has a blade and a scoop made from bricks and plates (and SNOT at that!). The steering! The doors! A 6x5 plate! A 1 x 6 Trans Clear brick!! And a 6x5 plate!!!"
Svanbom: "Steering, yellow and red hinges in same set. I just got to have it. Beautiful!"
Richard Kloosterboer: "fully restored. new chassis, steering, baseplate yellow and red hinge-plates. my ultimate fave."
Gregor: "Anleitung unvollständig"
People who Want to Buy this set (4 people)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."
Paul Rutenberg (1 copy)
Jason Proksch (1 copy)
Wim Torbeyns (1 copy)
Patrick Schoell (1 copy)
People who Own this set (15 people)
The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!
Roy R. Gal (1 copy)
Mark Harrison (1 copy)
John Patterson (2 copies)
Pascal Brugier (1 copy)
Jérémie Temple (1 copy)
Stefan Sanders (1 copy)
Erica van der Schaft (1 copy)
Jan Zinke (1 copy)
Steve Douglass (1 copy)
Svanbom (1 copy)
Adri Wigbold, bc (1 copy)
Richard Kloosterboer (1 copy)
Gavin Rogers (1 copy)
Olav Helt Brubakk (1 copy)
Gregor (1 copy)