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Theatre Stories
50 elements, 5 figures, US$30, 2002
LEGO > Explore > Explore Imagination

People who wrote Notes about this set  (2 people)

Dave Low: "A wonderful set for story-telling"
Arne Nielsen: "Nice ghost, sword in soft plastic, shield useable in Castle setiings?!?"
People who Own this set  (13 people)

The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!

Suzanne Rich Eaton (1 copy)   Selçuk Göre (1 copy)   Erik Olson (1 copy)   Jeremy Burton (1 copy)   Dave Low (1 copy)   Ronan Webb (1 copy)   Arne Nielsen (1 copy)   Manfred Schroeder (1 copy)   Walt Chrisman (1 copy)   Mike Crowley (1 copy)   Kalle Andersson (1 copy)   Martin Boulay (1 copy)   Barbara Werth (1 copy)  
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