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{Unnamed 1200-piece brick tub}
1200 elements, 0 figures, US$20, 1998
LEGO > Universal > {}

People who wrote Notes about this set  (50 people)

Larry Pieniazek: "GREAT set, want to buy lots more (at retail or less only, please)"
Erik Olson: "The last call for brick. Where are the bricks in 2002?"
Adrian Drake: "I can't get enough of these things. Although more colors would be wonderful, and more green in these as well."
Troy Cefaratti: "Basic Bricks Galore! Less then 2 cents a piece, even at full retail. A bargain as 25% off. A decent mix of pieces too, not all 1x1's."
Mike Poindexter: "The best deal on bricks around. I wish they had one with rarer colors and one of plates, though. Still, this is a staple item for all large scale creations."
Shiri Dori: "'course it would be nice to have tan and brown and grey..."
Pawel Nazarewicz: "Great set at $15.00 from TRU"
Scott Sanburn: "Good for parts, wish they had it in other colors."
Chris Langstaff: "Same set with different colours and in plates would be great"
Aaron West: "I hope TLC continues to offer these in updated color variations, still with the same dimension storage tub. This is their BEST product value."
Dean Husby: "Gray! Gray! I need Gray! $17.88CDN, what a steal! Wish I could find that again..."
Chris Maddison: "Can't go wrong with this one."
Steven B. Combs: "Bricks and more bricks! 14.99 at Toys R Us"
Calum Tsang: "One of two things needed for Town building: basic bricks."
Mark Sandlin: "I want a gray tub! Light and dark, please!"
Reinhard "Ben" Beneke: "Got it for 29,95 Eur = 38 $ US (Still it is really cheap for Europe) Reduced to 22 Eur in Jan.06!"
Jason Spears: "Lego, please bring this one back. Bulk bricks are the life of the hobby."
Christian Gemuenden: "seems to be US-only again"
Tim Tosino: "Hard to find at end of year though good value if you're lucky"
Sapienza: "Not enough black pieces. Or green. Too much yellow. Too much blue. ... which just means ya gotta buy LOTS of 'em! :)"
Jason King: "Australian Price is a bit high but Great value at 15% off :-))"
Robert J. Powell: "I agree, grey(s) and tan companion tub would be welcome!"
Danny Sullivan: "Bought a shopping cart full @ USD 15. Should have bought two...or more."
Paul D. Pfeiffer: "Get more than you think you need"
Ben Medinets: "you can never have too many of these"
Bill Ward: "Great for sculpture!"
Micah Mabelitini: "A good set for a good price."
Ronald Plasmeijer: "Not available in the Netherlands. For the same price we can only get our hands on small buckets with a few hundred bricks."
Bryan Hodges: "Good value for standard bricks. I will buy lots if they ever go on sale."
John P. Henderson, Esq.: "Wish I had picked up more!"
Shawn Paul Davis: "Can't beat 1200 pcs for $20.00"
David Kohrman: "shame on Lego for discontinuing this! >:("
T. J. Avery: "Every Lego enthusiast should have a couple of these! It would be nice if Lego did the same thing with Technic beams and plates."
Karin Franklin: "Most bang for the buck! Could use more green."
Lenny McKee Hoffman: "what a great idea.. now what to do with all these extra bins?"
Arne Nielsen: "Normal price in Denmark $60!!!! On clearence $40 - and we're supposed to be making the bricks in this country - how come you get it so cheap in US?"
Richie Dulin: "All those pieces, and a great storage container. Pity it doesn't come pre-sorted though :-)"
Alex Vizcarra: "has this been discontinued? It would be a mistake to replace with the creator tub"
Burt Clawson: "Great general set. Got one so the kids would have their own Legos, heh."
Steve Barber: "The very foundation."
Jacob Davies: "Got 20 from Target just before it was discontinued, my coworkers thought I was insane."
Ed Hall: "This set was the best source for bulk bricks. I couldn't have done my Starry Night mosaic without it. I hope it is reissued soon!"
Alex Cruz: "Man, I wish they still made these :-("
Don Lee: "" I want more ""
Mark Papenfuss: "Only have 4, wish it was 40 ;)"
Gereon "Jerry" Stein: "LEGO, keep on giving us tubs of real bricks!"
Nathan Todd: "My first bulk brick buy... and oh so useful!"
Oliver Goldenstein: "Just collecting bricks :)"
Jens E. Johansson: "1 new"
Michael A. Joosten: "Much better stacking tub than the later large ones."
People who Want to Buy this set  (11 people)

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Larry Pieniazek (100 copies)   Chris Tracey (3 copies)   Ben Roller (5 copies)   James Motley (1 copy)   Ronald Plasmeijer (10 copies)   Simeon Fitch (1 copy)   Jay Sim (1 copy)   Paul Klenk (2 copies)   Ed Hall (20 copies)   Doug James (8 copies)   Jordan Bradford (1 copy)  
People who Want to Sell this set  (1 person)

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Mel C (2 copies)  
People who Own this set  (249 people)

The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!

Larry Pieniazek (70 copies)   James Brown (21 copies)   Eric Kingsley (10 copies)   Joe Comeau (4 copies)   Andreas Stabno (25 copies)   Kevin M. Loch (4 copies)   Tim Rueger (4 copies)   Erik Olson (8 copies)   Adrian Drake (70 copies)   Bob VanderClay (3 copies)   Ed McGlynn (8 copies)   Troy Cefaratti (36 copies)   Steve Martin (8 copies)   Mike Poindexter (713 copies)   Jennifer L. Finch (26 copies)   Shiri Dori (1 copy), (3 copies)   Pawel Nazarewicz (20 copies)   Ralph Döring (1 copy)   Dave Baum (2 copies)   Dave Eaton (2 copies)   Nita Sanders (6 copies)   Scott Devine (5 copies)   Tim Courtney (11 copies)   Stephen F. Roberts (10 copies)   Inactive (13 copies)   Bryan Wong (2 copies)   John Connolly (7 copies)   Andy Lynch (7 copies)   Rich Thompson (11 copies)   Kyle J. (11 copies)   John Gramley (17 copies)   Christina Hitchcock (3 copies)   Scott Sanburn (87 copies)   Tim Buchheim (1 copy)   Chris Langstaff (6 copies)   Bram Lambrecht (1 copy)   Ben Roller (2 copies)   Rich Manzo (11 copies)   Aaron West (10 copies)   David Harshman (34 copies)   Dean Husby (10 copies)   Tim Lasko (2 copies)   John Greathouse (2 copies)   John VanZwieten, Jr. (3 copies)   Chris Maddison (4 copies)   Andrew Reynolds (4 copies)   Wilson (2 copies)   Tony Chaouch (2 copies)   Leah Cardaci (8 copies)   Frank Buiting (2 copies)   Robin Werner (20 copies)   Steven B. Combs (1 copy)   Craig Agricola (1 copy)   Roy R. Gal (1 copy)   David Arnon (3 copies)   Calum Tsang (10 copies)   Mark Rideout (4 copies)   Mark Sandlin (4 copies)   Reinhard "Ben" Beneke (8 copies)   Kevin Rooten (24 copies)   Ross Crawford (10 copies)   Wayne P. 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