People who wrote Notes about this set (2 people)
Erik B: "With this set number it should be in the category LEGO > SYSTEM > Adventurers > {Dino Island} > {Promotional/Kabaya}"
Peter Smith: "Baby T-Rex!"
People who Want to Buy this set (5 people)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."
Mark de Kock (1 copy)
Betsy Ercolini (1 copy)
Tom Benton (1 copy)
Zonko Fopwinkel (1 copy)
Dirk van Zuilen (1 copy)
People who Want to Sell this set (1 person)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to sell."
Todd Kubo (2 copies)
People who Own this set (27 people)
The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!
Ralph Döring (1 copy)
Rich Manzo (1 copy)
Jan-Albert Van Ree (1 copy)
Mike McLeod (1 copy)
Chris Giddens (2 copies)
Tony Chaouch (6 copies)
Christian Gemuenden (1 copy)
Todd Kubo (5 copies)
Abner Finley (1 copy)
Jan Katanek (1 copy)
Yvonne Doyle (1 copy)
Johannes Jojo Koehler (1 copy)
Brian Andrew Stokes (1 copy)
John Patterson (2 copies)
Peter Edsall (1 copy)
James Markham (1 copy)
Mark Assi (1 copy)
Erik B (1 copy)
Michael Gokey (1 copy)
Kecia Hansen (1 copy)
Paul W. Johnson (1 copy)
Remco Slotboom (1 copy)
Philip Ellis (1 copy)
Fred van Griethuizen (1 copy)
Volker Draschka (1 copy)
Ryoji Akimoto (1 copy)
Peter Smith (1 copy)