People who wrote Notes about this set (2 people)
Richie Dulin: "Technilicious!"
Caspar Bennedsen: "MISB"
People who Want to Buy this set (3 people)
You may contact people if they're listed as "want to buy."
Sean Hawthorne (1 copy)
Ronald Plasmeijer (1 copy)
Barbara Werth (1 copy)
People who Own this set (25 people)
The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!
Ben Whytcross (1 copy)
Abner Finley (1 copy)
Jan Katanek (1 copy)
S. Daehnel (1 copy)
Rolf Weekhout (1 copy)
David Stosser (2 copies)
Cesare Lanza (1 copy)
Vincent Demmink (1 copy)
John Patterson (1 copy)
Jan Kiekebosch (1 copy)
Jay Sim (1 copy)
Gary (1 copy)
Cyndi Bradham (1 copy)
Tony Harris (1 copy)
Stefan Garcia (1 copy)
Aaron Dengler (1 copy)
Dan Prouty (1 copy)
Adrie Stolk (1 copy)
Paolo Magri (1 copy)
Paul De La Haye (1 copy)
Caspar Bennedsen (1 copy)
Jak Ninyo (1 copy)
Dave Tomkins (2 copies)
Max Tropeano (1 copy)
Brett Stevens (1 copy)