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Dark Side Developer Kit
578 elements, 0 figures, US$100, 2000

People who wrote Notes about this set  (31 people)

Hao-yang Wang: "a lot more interesting than 9748"
Scott Sanburn: "Got it at Target for 24.94, pretty good price!"
Tim Buchheim: "The three instruction books show how to build many nice robots using several good walking mechanisms."
Dave Johann: "Would have rated it higher if it could have taken more than two steps. Worth the $5 I paid at CompUSA."
Zhengrong Zang: "Many bricks!"
Ronald Vallenduuk: "Good parts, that's it. AT-AT wobbles, other models look boring, MicroScout sux. At least the DDK has two interesting models...."
Darren Foreman: "Very cool"
Bill Castello: "Gotta love the walker chassis, basis for all my new robots :)"
Todd Burgdorf: "Many alternate models included but the only interesting model is the one shown on the box"
Bob Doolittle: "Very cool parts and model. Very lame microscount."
Pete Grotsky: "Not as good as Mindstorm 1.5"
Andrew Hull: "Microscout pretty useless, cool parts though. Also comes with tons of lightsaber pieces!"
Ronald Plasmeijer: "Set is ok, Microscout is close to useless"
Mark Chittenden: "The AT-AT is cool - it freaks my dog out, thinking it's chasing him :D"
Martin Bruun: "Better than the R2D2. Good parts but overpriced because of the microscout."
Dean Maher: "Found the AT AT a little wobbly in its feet. But fun set with some good robitic ideas."
Andy Blake: "it's an AT-AT, what more do you need?"
Erik B: "Got one in German language and one in English and sold one in Dutch/French language, so there have at least been 3 different versions!"
Michael Gokey: "to upgrade it to a bigger one"
Manfred Schroeder: "Funny light sensor technology."
Martin Wallace: "Excellent set of pieces spoilt by the very poor microscout"
Ryan Witt: "More like an erector set than legos, and the AT-AT doesn't realy walk, it just wobbles from side to side."
Tracy Dale: "used"
Adrian Esdaile: "Xmas from Ian & Suyin, 2002?"
Albert Dudley: "Lots of sets. A real nice present for any boy or girl"
Olof Dahlberg: "LL Billund sale, should have bought more!"
Jeremy Funk: "AT-AT has a hard time walking."
Hakan Kutluay: "With this set you will undersatand how to make your robot walking with one motor. It is great. MicroScout same as 9748 but no sound."
J.P. Manalo: "A walking AT-AT! Go take out those Rebels!"
Jeff Block: "It took a few years, but 10178 finally improved upon the walker model shown here. Ahead of its time."
Jeff Beaty: "this set seems to get a bad rep, but i really liked it. 3 books of instructions for multiple models and microscout is kind of cool."
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