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Vision Command
141 elements, 0 figures, US$100, 2000
LEGO > MINDSTORMS > Supplemental

People who wrote Notes about this set  (35 people)

Nita Sanders: "macam makes it work on Mac OS-X :)"
Drew Dirschell: "Great software, sucky camera"
Steven B. Combs: "Lack of integration with RCX, RoboLAB, and NQC make it a tough sell. Waiting for wireless (bluetooth perhaps) before its a perfect solution!"
Christian Gemuenden: "This set works excellent without RIS, and TLC never called it a Supplemental Set. You can also have fun using only this set, so LUGNET is listing it within the wrong category IMHO."
Jeff Small: "I like it, the more I use it the more I warm up to it."
Chris Wallendorff: "The thing is just fantastic!!"
Darren Foreman: "Needs more RCX functionality in the software"
John D. Spivy: "Mindstorm software does not work on NT / Windows 2000"
Bill Castello: "Fantastic set, the new software is great and the functionality is awesome"
Eric Joseph Keef: "Got 'em for the camera!"
Rich Jenkins: "Finally got it to run on my PC. It's Sloooooowwwww on my 300MHz machine. But it is pretty cool!"
Bryan Beckwith: "Camera doesn't work too well in low light and the cord is annoying, but it's still a great set."
Bob Doolittle: "Why couldn't this have been cordless for use with RIS :-("
Chris Crawford: "Fun set. Has some simple movie and email software included too."
Bob Gomez: "For sale email me"
Kyle Beatty: "Pretty awful optics"
Carl Jagt: "Six months after purchase, the price dropped by 50%..."
Michael Kohan: "$19.99 @, 8/26/2002"
Dan Crichton: "Now I can take small pictures of all my sets. My daughter loves this!"
Mark Zakrzewski: "Other than the fact that this ONLY runs on Win98, and the camera resolution isn't great, its a totally neato set! Not worth full price, though."
Steve Barber: "$29.99 @ 5/5/2002"
Andy Blake: "camera is really smart, but the cable to the PC isn't any where near long enough to make a decent roaming robot"
Ben Jackson: "Worth it for the web-cam, but not as a robotics tool."
Angus Looney: "If only it was wireless!"
: "5 metre cable is a hastle. should be cordless."
Doug Eaton: "It now works with my Linux laptop for mobile robots with real AI"
Tobbe Arnesson: "Review:"
Nathan Wells: "Okay parts, but the camera is crap."
Stéphane Simard: "Utter & Complete trash. Useless parts. Won't even work on my PC with RIS 2.0 due to USB conflict, and I use Win98... AVOID!!"
Harri Manni: "Got it for my 30th birthday! Still waiting for a win9x computer to install the software on.."
Matt Marwood: "cool camera"
Tom Phillips: "Tom. Nice extra pieces, but a poor excuse of a cmera."
Jason Moore: "MISB, $50 at TRU in 2004"
Jeremy Funk: "Got for half price at Zany Brainy!"
Jeff Beaty: "I was somewhat disappointed w/ this set, though it was fun to make my first movie with the little camera. don't think the software works on XP."
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