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Creator Watch
1 element, 0 figures, US$20, 2002

People who wrote Notes about this set  (2 people)

Aaron West: "Gift from LEGO on 1-22-04 to the 27 Master Builder Finalists. All I got was this watch. :o)"
Arne Nielsen: "Mine had a Creator fig (Max) instead of the monkey?"
People who Own this set  (11 people)

The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!

Aaron West (1 copy)   Abner Finley (1 copy)   John Patterson (1 copy)   Aaron Sneary (1 copy)   Arne Nielsen (1 copy)   Jason Rinehart (1 copy)   Kristine Peartree (1 copy)   Bruce Lowell (1 copy)   George Barnes (1 copy)   Jeff (1 copy)   Mike Tighe (2 copies)  
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