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Spider-Man's First Chase
188 elements, 3 figures, US$20, 2003
LEGO > Spider-Man

People who wrote Notes about this set  (10 people)

Scott Sanburn: "Good set - good play ability, and good parts for many things - cars, etc."
Aaron West: "Good accessory parts pack for many themes."
Jan-Albert Van Ree: "Great parts selection, cars could have been done better though."
Constantine Hannaher: "Printed 1x2 tile sure looks like a Pontiac grille"
Ben Medinets: "great set with awesome parts...a bit weak on overall structure and their aspect ratio is a bit off on this one"
Arne Nielsen: "Only printed brick is the tan car front, rest is stickers. Fire hydrant is excellent, gate and cars are not that interesting"
Martin Bruun: "Nice cars, but too expensive!"
Burt Clawson: "Yay! I'm glad they finally found a way to use those Spider-Man 1st costume pieces. :-) I like the street lamps, and the fire-plug! Kids love recreating the movie with this set."
Michael Arrighi: "This fits well into my city, so it's worth the price."
Stefan Gustavson: "Replace the wheel bases with the narrow ones (4600) and lower the mud guards 1 plate, and the cars look much better."
People who Want to Buy this set  (2 people)

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Betsy Ercolini (1 copy)   Jeff (1 copy)  
People who Want to Sell this set  (1 person)

You may contact people if they're listed as "want to sell."

Nita Sanders (1 copy)  
People who Own this set  (90 people)

The list below is informational only. Do not contact people and ask them if they want to sell unless they're on the "want to sell" list!

Suzanne Rich Eaton (1 copy)   Joe Comeau (1 copy)   John Neal (1 copy)   Mark de Kock (1 copy)   Richard Schamus (1 copy), (1 copy)   Gail Meagher (1 copy)   Dave Eaton (1 copy)   Bob Runnicles (1 copy)   Scott Sanburn (8 copies)   Aaron West (4 copies)   Jan-Albert Van Ree (1 copy)   Tony Chaouch (2 copies)   Roy R. Gal (1 copy)   Amando James Tanedo (1 copy)   Jason Spears (1 copy)   Christian Gemuenden (1 copy)   Dave Low (1 copy)   Andrew McGeachie (1 copy)   Martin Scragg (2 copies)   Tim Tosino (1 copy)   Scott Edward Thomas (1 copy)   Paul Cook (1 copy)   Ben Medinets (2 copies)   Brian Pefferly (1 copy)   John Patterson (1 copy)   Steven House (1 copy)   Steve Ringe (3 copies)   Pawlo Figol (1 copy)   Justin Reiss (1 copy)   Jen Nogle (1 copy)   Denise Jadud (1 copy)   Nate O'Shea (1 copy)   Nate Jacobs (1 copy)   Holger Matthes (1 copy)   Arne Nielsen (1 copy)   Rob Brown (2 copies)   Martin Bruun (1 copy)   Burt Clawson (1 copy)   Aaron Fisher (1 copy)   Steve Weiser (1 copy)   Michael Arrighi (1 copy)   Saskia van Doesburg (1 copy)   Tim Strutt (2 copies)   Kecia Hansen (1 copy)   Justin Ponsor (1 copy)   Carsten Straaberg (1 copy)   Doug Eaton (2 copies)   Remco Slotboom (1 copy)   Dave Pearson (1 copy)   Daniel Warren (1 copy)   Cyndy Fischer (1 copy)   Walt Chrisman (1 copy)   Hendrik SvL Bergmann (1 copy)   Dan Rubin (1 copy)   Bruce Lowell (2 copies)   Mike Petrucelli (1 copy)   George Barnes (1 copy)   Justin P. Morgan (2 copies)   William Howard (1 copy)   Philip Ellis (1 copy)   Jason Allemann (1 copy)   Mike Crowley (1 copy)   Pat Bunn (1 copy)   John M. Colucci, Sr. (1 copy)   Jan Zinke (1 copy)   Gerd Hilgert (1 copy)   Alex L. Jordan (1 copy)   Alain Godelaine (1 copy)   Matteo Bollini (2 copies)   (1 copy)   Aaron Knox (1 copy)   Stefan Gustavson (1 copy)   Eric Strand (2 copies)   Dan Prouty (1 copy)   Thekla Borchert (1 copy)   Paul Donis (2 copies)   Gareth Norris (1 copy)   Fred van Griethuizen (1 copy)   Anita Eenink (1 copy)   JP Ruijs (2 copies)   Karen Beiderbeck (1 copy)   Marco Chiappa (1 copy)   Chad Bustard (1 copy)   Jon H (1 copy)   Lara Crokis (1 copy)   Alex Knowlton (1 copy)   Greg Pederson (1 copy)   Kevin Kasper (2 copies)   Kevin Gramlich (3 copies)  
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